Our annual trip to Aberdovey Golf Club took place on Monday 10th-Tuesday 11th October. Joe Brandrick, a former Albion Director, donated a trophy a number of years ago and we decided that it would be appropriate to play this early autumn on a famous course on the West Wales coastline.

Monday is the warm up day and so 5 teams went out on a relatively good afternoon, the wind into our faces on the front 9 but on our return to the clubhouse helping, though most had better scores going out. The winning team was that of Nick Cross, Mick Fudge and guest Endaff Williams.

Tuesday morning is the day for the main competition, Nick Cross has been in fine form so questions were raised about his golf handicap, he has a health handicap but that has not stopped his golfing prowess. After much discussion we allowed him to play off a handicap that will need a review again! Our secretary Geoff Snape had an excellent round on the previous afternoon and kept the form going on the Tuesday morning with 37 points but unfortunately for him it was just not good enough because that “bandit” Cross came home with 38 points to win the Joe Brandrick Trophy for the second time.

Last year’s winner Ray Wilson made the presentation of the Joe Brandrick Trophy.

The course was superb and the weather for October was very good. We also had an excellent Monday evening dining at the local restaurant “Seabreeze”. Two excellent games of golf, good food and great company with former players and some friends.

Our thanks must go to The Brandrick Family, in particular Kevan, who provided the sponsorship through his company JC Payne Ltd. We raised a glass in memory of Joe, a great friend, advisor and supporter of the Former Players Association.

Attendees:  Gary Owen, Nick Cross, Joe Mayo, Mark Grew, Ian Edwards, Mick Fudge, David Butler, Ray Wilson, Norman Westbury, Geoff Snape plus a few friends Barrie Davies, Tony Harris, Endaff Williams, Dave Cowper and Ajay Sonatum.