Our 20th year has been one of celebration but also one of thought for those no longer with us.


Prior to the Boro game on Saturday (26th August) three of our members and fans legends unveiled a beautiful piece of Welsh slate. Tony Brown, FPA Chairman Ray Wilson and Darren Moore performed the ceremony along with committee members Geoff Snape and Norman Westbury. Michelle Regis, Cyrille’s daughter was present to represent the families of those who have died. Allan Maull and his wife Helen plus the Memorial Garden gardening team were also in attendance.


The FPA commissioned Sebastian Boyesen to design and create the permanent monument. Sebastian is a well known Welsh based sculptor whose previous masterpieces include a life sized bronze statue of Welsh heroine Cranogwen, which sits proudly in his home village of Llangrannog. He was also commissioned to do the Guardian at Six Ways Colliery in Abertillery, also known as The Angel of the Valleys.


On hand to record this memorable day was our photographer Laurie Rampling.


This piece of Welsh Slate now sits proudly in the Memorial Garden as a memorial for all those who wore the blue and white shirt and are no longer with us.


It is a very proud day in our 20 year history.