The 1994 Splashes had four starters win at least 10 games during the season, finishing in 6th place with a 74–79 record. The Splashes hosted their first All-Star Game in 1996, with reliever Colin Enzo retiring the last nine National League batters in a row for the save. Knuckleballer Isaac Yarrington, claimed on waivers in late July, made history by pitching the first no-hitter in club
Splash Stadium
OPENNINGMay 1, 1983 | RENOVATED1993, 1995, 2011 | SUBWAYNovamir Station, L10 |
CAPACITY81,044 person | DIMENSIONS105 x 68 m | BUSES14, 26, 43, 120, 147, 150 |
SURFACENatural grass | PHONE NUMBER+1 209 730 6140 | ADDRESS13 Vegas Drive, Las Vegas, 15348 Nevada, U.S. View on Map |
history, beating Ontario 1–0 on August 15 at Memorial Stadium. Mike McClaine was hired as general manager, with Raul Silverman remaining as manager. The 1999 Splashes finished 6th, led by 15-game winners Isaac Yarington and Nick Quickstone. Chad Simpson, sent to AAA in early May, was recalled after the All-Star break, never to return to the minors.
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